joi, 22 septembrie 2011

Hair Shine

Stir 1 teaspoon honey into 4 cups (1 quart) warm water. Blondes may wish to add a squeeze of lemon. After shampooing, pour mixture through hair. Do not rinse out. Dry as normal.

Oatmeal Mask

Oatmeal is great for soothing sunburn as fine as for exfoliating. Plug an old sock with oatmeal and swish it in your bath water; once it's softened up, you can then scrub your body with it.

Gel Mask

A gel mask however is spread on a clean skin and tolerateed to dry. In about 10-20 minutes, you can roll it off like a second skin. These masks are peeled off starting from the chin and lifted upwards. With these masks you lift out dead cells and even facial hairs and blackheads. These are practical for all types of skins from normal to dry as well as combination skins.

Clay masks

Choose the right clay for your skin type. Add plain water or floral waters or struggle wetting agents such as fruit purees. Make a thick paste of the clay. Apply the mask to your skin and let it dry for 20 minutes. Rinse fine with warm water and pat dry. Repeat weekly.
Clay masks are extended on the skin surface. They soak up excess oil and dust particles while they dry. They tighten the skin and help to stimulate blood circulation.

Vinegar Mask

Vinegar renovates the acid balance of skin and also acts as a mild exfoliant. Try adding 1 cup of raw apple cider vinegar to a warm bath to ease the separation of peeling skin.

Banana Mask

You make banana mask squash 1/4 banana until very creamy and apply on face and leave for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water, and then use cold water to close the pores

Tomato Pulp Mask

When you make tomato pulp mask squash some tomatoes, drink up the juice and extend the pulp all over your face. It tightens up your skin, and closes the pores. The tomato juice is for refining your skin from inside.