vineri, 16 septembrie 2011


Dry hands are caused by many things. Excessive washing, hot water, or the dry winter air. Here are some tips to keep them soft and younger-looking:
  • The top of your hands dry out quicker. If you wash often, focus on your palms.
  • Keep a bottle of lotion by the sink and use it after you wash your hands. Apply it while your skin is still damp to lock in moisture.
  • Wear rubber gloves when you wash the dishes to reduce exposure to harsh soap and hot water.
  • Strong or perfumed soap has a tendency to irritate skin. Stick with mild, moisturizing soap, particularly in the dry winter months.
  • For emergencies, coat your hands with petroleum jelly, vegetable or mineral oil. Put on some gloves and wear them overnight.
  • Turn down the heat and take cooler showers and baths to reduce dry skin and the itch that often goes with it.
  • When drying your hands, blot them. Don't rub.

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